marți, 16 iunie 2009

happy new year!!!...2008-2009

soon this year will be over. another year that comes to an end and what have we done.?did we make real all the dreams or at least the projects that we have for this year???? How many can be proud at what they have realized in this year who just get at the end???...
for me this time of the year is special I feel magic floating in the air .but this time is fool and of nostalgia because another year of our life ends and is time to reflect(one more and others less)at what do we realized in this year our successes and failures the perspective with what we started this year and we managed to achieve the time in which we must fix our objectives for the next year and in this way is how we conclude such a stage in our life and we start another one. This time of the year is a time for presents but is and the time when you remember and old friends and we visit our familiars ,meetings full of memories of times past.

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